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About us 

About us 
The cen­ter of the new circus


UmCir­kum is a sha­red cul­tu­ral, edu­cati­o­nal and lei­su­re cen­ter with an inter­nati­o­nal reach open to the gene­ral pub­lic. The Norwegi­an Funds pro­ject has a fun­da­men­tal bac­kground here.

We are expan­ding the offer of cul­tu­ral and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties in the Ost­ra­va-Sou­th dis­t­rict and deve­lo­ping cul­tu­ral events in Ost­ra­va and the Mora­vi­an-Sile­si­an Regi­on with unique acti­vi­ties of the new cir­cus, a mul­ti-genre art cour­se inter­twi­ning ele­ments of acro­ba­tics, dan­ce, the­a­ter, pan­to­mi­me, jug­g­ling, clow­ning and live music.

UmCir­kum also has a new cir­cus-tra­i­ning cen­ter with an expan­ded ran­ge of cour­ses for chil­dren and adults focused on selec­ted new cir­cus dis­ci­pli­nes. In the field of cul­tu­re, we orga­ni­ze cul­tu­ral events for the pub­lic. The UmCir­kum resi­den­ce pro­vi­des artis­tic and cre­a­ti­ve faci­li­ties for artists and the­ir new cir­cus and street the­a­ter projects.

Impor­tant and spe­ci­fic atten­ti­on is paid within the acti­vi­ties of the new cir­cus plat­form UmCir­kum to the sup­port of fore­ign coo­pe­rati­on and part­ner pro­jects with new cir­cus lectu­rers, artists and orga­ni­zati­ons from all over the world as well as to the field of social circus.

Cre­a­ti­ve, acro­ba­tic and artis­tic company

Cirkus trochu jinak 

We cre­a­te ori­gi­nal and enter­ta­i­ning pro­grams for the pub­lic in the are­as of the new cir­cus and street theater.

We focus main­ly on street the­a­ter, new cir­cus pro­ducti­ons, we orga­ni­ze the inter­nati­o­nal fes­ti­val CIRKULUM and we run the cen­ter of the new cir­cus UmCir­kum in Ostrava.

CTJ’s pro­fes­si­o­nal team is also invol­ved in edu­cati­o­nal and social acti­vi­ties. The main and year-round edu­cati­o­nal acti­vi­ties inclu­de semi­nars, cour­ses and workshops focusing on cir­cus dis­ci­pli­nes – jug­g­ling, aerial acro­ba­tics, pair acro­ba­tics, rope wal­king, cyrwhe­el, equi­lib­ris­tic, balan­ce acti­vi­ties, etc. and the­ir use in the social field (so-called social circus).

We orga­ni­ze intensi­ve new cir­cus cour­ses, inclu­ding workshops by renow­ned fore­ign lectu­rers, inter­nati­o­nal exchan­ges, sum­mer day camps for chil­dren or semi­nars for begin­ners and advan­ced, and thus we con­tri­bu­te to the deve­lo­p­ment and moti­vati­on of all participants.

Art Cir­cus Association


The asso­ci­ati­on was foun­ded in 2017 with the aim of cre­a­ting con­di­ti­ons for cir­cus artists to cre­a­te diver­se and high-qua­li­ty cir­cus art and to make cir­cuses a lar­ger and more visi­ble part of Ice­lan­d’s culture.

The main goal of the asso­ci­ati­on is to sup­port the growth of cir­cus art in Ice­land by orga­ni­zing vari­ous cir­cus per­for­man­ces and events, inde­pen­dent­ly and in coo­pe­rati­on with vari­ous part­ners and festivals.

Hrin­glei­kur is a mem­ber of SL – The Inde­pen­dent The­a­ters, the Bal­tic Nor­dic Cir­cus Network and Cara­van, the inter­nati­o­nal you­th cir­cus and com­mu­ni­ty cir­cus orga­ni­zati­on. Some artists stu­died cir­cus art at cir­cus scho­ols abroad, such as the Codarts Aca­de­my of the Arts in Rot­ter­dam and AFUK in Copenhagen.

Our team 

Alžběta Moravcová 

  • Alžběta Moravcová
  • Alžběta Moravcová
  • Alžběta Moravcová

David Pargač 

  • David Pargač
  • David Pargač
  • David Pargač

Jan Hlavsa 

  • Jan Hlavsa
  • Jan Hlavsa

Jindřich Kopidol 

  • Jindřich Kopidol
  • Jindřich Kopidol

Leona Macurová 

  • Leona Macurová
  • Leona Macurová

Nela Chamrádová 

  • Nela Chamrádová
  • Nela Chamrádová

Patrik Ulman 

  • Patrik Ulman
  • Patrik Ulman

Václav Pokorný 

  • Václav Pokorný
  • Václav Pokorný

Monika Spáčilová 

  • Monika Spáčilová

Ondřej Ledvoň 

  • Ondřej Ledvoň
  • Ondřej Ledvoň

Lukáš Curylo 

  • Lukáš Curylo
  • Lukáš Curylo

Urður Ýrr Brynjolfsdotti 

  • Urður Ýrr  Brynjolfsdotti
  • Urður Ýrr  Brynjolfsdotti

Axel Valur Davidsson Diego 

  • Axel Valur Davidsson Diego
  • Axel Valur Davidsson Diego

Bjarni Arnason 

  • Bjarni  Arnason
  • Bjarni  Arnason

Daniel Sigrioarson 

  • Daniel Sigrioarson
  • Daniel Sigrioarson